Welcome to Pacific Crest School

Our Philosophy

At Pacific Crest Montessori School, we believe in fostering a love of learning through a child-centered approach. Our Montessori method nurtures independence, creativity, and critical thinking, allowing each child to develop at their own pace in a supportive and enriching environment. Montessori Education for Life combines the child’s natural love of life and learning with the values of hard work and self-discipline. Our students leave Pacific Crest with a capacity for self-knowledge, independence, and the ability to chart their course to adulthood.

Our Programs

Pacific Crest School offers Montessori education for children from three years of age continuing through the eighth grade. Our teachers and classrooms are designed to respond to the first three developmental stages:

Early Childhood (Ages 3—6)

Our Primary program lays the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. Through hands-on activities and individualized instruction, children develop essential skills in language, math, and practical life. The prepared environment encourages exploration and discovery, fostering confidence and independence.

Childhood (Ages 6-11)

The Elementary program builds on the foundational skills developed in the Primary program. Students engage in interdisciplinary studies, promoting a deep understanding of core subjects. Our curriculum emphasizes collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking, preparing students for the challenges of the modern world.

Adolescence (Ages 11-14)

In our Middle School program, students take on more responsibility and independence. The curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire, with a focus on project-based learning, community engagement, and personal growth. Our goal is to help students become thoughtful, compassionate, and active members of their communities.

Our Community

Our school community is based upon:

  • Respectful and Caring Environments

  • Commitment to the Support of Human Development

  • Belief in the Potential of Each and Every Child

  • Support on the Path to Independence

Pacific Crest Montessori School is more than just a place of learning; it's a vibrant community of students, parents, and educators working together to support each child's growth. We believe in the power of collaboration and encourage active parent involvement through various events, volunteer opportunities, and open communication.

History and Accreditation

Our school was founded in 1985. From that initial class of 25 young children that met in a church basement, we have grown to a school of over 200 children and adolescents located on our beautiful urban campus on Bright Street. In 2003, we acquired our Farm on Vashon Island to provide essential outdoor opportunities for our children. Our students now extend their learning and their sense of place to include both urban and rural neighborhoods.

Pacific Crest is accredited through the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools (NAAS). The accreditation process requires a six-year cycle of self-study that involves consultations with Pacific Crest staff, NAAS consultants, outside educators, and current and former parents. Selected areas of study become the focus of ongoing work during the six-year cycle.

Teacher Training

All of Pacific Crest’s Primary and Elementary teachers are trained through AMI training centers. Our Middle School teachers attend Montessori trainings for the adolescent level; these are offered by the North American Montessori Teachers Association (NAMTA) in partnership with AMI.

Learn about our admissions process